Katie, Gracie holding Johnathan, Frank and Megan, Tami, Laura holding Micalah, Rebecca
The above maps with the yellow dot show the location of Honduras, and the territory where we were working. You can download the software program to see up close, the area where we worked, at Google.earth.com. If you haven't seen this program, I promise you it will really bless you as you can go anywhere on earth and see it from space.
The above map shows the area of work. We live in Belen. Water projects have been completed in each village from Palacios all the way to Brus Laguna.
A close up shot of the Mission complex in Belen as seen from space on the software program at Google. You can see Frank's dock which looks like an "L" in the lagoon. The green grass is the landingstrip for the airplanes.
On March 20th, I flew to Honduras with Roger Proffer and 4 other people from the Crystal River Rotary club to Belen, Honduras to meet up with the local missionary, Frank Monterroso. With Frank, we placed a water system in the village of Plaplaya, the second phase of a 3 phase project which we completed in May. All of Plaplaya now has drinkable, running water with a water faucet at every house in the village. You can read more about this project at http://www.kingsbayrotary.org/honduras.htm
This project has completed about a 20 mile stretch of land in which Frank has successfully installed water to the homes of Moskito and Grifuna people. The Rotary team returned to the states at the end of March but I stayed behind to continue working.
Type of well the people of Brus Laguna use. They drop a bucket into the well and retrieve their water.
District in Brus Laguna where system was installed, shown in red box. Hand pumps would increase the area outside of the red box.
The last village we worked, was more of a small town called Brus Laguna. This town has electricity, telephones and some better stocked stores than the area we live in. It is about a 2 hour boat ride to get there. The mosquitoes, sand fleas and chiggers are extraordinarily fierce here. Sunset greets you with what feels like tiny stones being thrown at you, but it is the swarm of mosquitoes bouncing of your body and cloths. But the town has no running water and the town mayor asked Frank if he would put one in. The project became one complication after another. In the other villages along the coast, Frank would simply jet the water line down into the ground about 20 feet with a water pump. It only takes 4 or 5 hours to complete this part of the project. Then the villagers would dig the trenches and we would glue the PVC pipes together and install a faucet at each home. But Brus Laguna has a thick layer of clay that made this method impossible. So the project turned into a 2 month headache as Frank retrieved an old drilling rig he used in Palacios 10 years ago. We worked on the rusted rig until it has some sign of working, and we were able to drill a hole 107 feet which was as far as we could go with the limited number of drilling rods. The well produced very little water! So another drilling missionary group came, and put in 2 wells. While drilling the second well, their rig broke.
Plane departs from Belen! Water project work in Plaplaya and two girls experiencing their first bucket of water from a water faucet next to their house.
In the end, all of these wells were only usable for hand pumps. Hardly enough to supply water to each house. So Frank resorted to their old system of retrieving water, wells that were dug by hand about 15-25 feet deep. The local church was the only one that had promise of good, drinkable water as they had placed a cement cover over it to prevent dirty water, and animals from falling in. From this water source, we placed a well screen and then placed the PVC throughout the district so that about 50 homes have running water as well as 3 hand pumps from the wells that were drilled that will supply water to other homes. This was only a small part of the town and Frank may have to return next year to install more systems throughout the other districts of Brus Laguna. He will need to rebuild the drilling rig with a new engine and some modifications.
On Mondays, I worked with the local Pastors noted on the page Support-a-Pastor in an all day Bible study. I gave them studies to prepare them to overcome the false doctrines of the cults. I taught on the Deity of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, what happens after death, the Torments of Hell, the true Sabbath, keeping our Salvation, and a study on the Rapture . I also taught on the gift of tongues, and a study entitled, "the Hireling", a sermon to cause these Pastors to soul search and ask themselves the question, "are they in the ministry to make money, or to serve the Lord and help the sheep find their way to Jesus Christ". This question is one which is needed to be asked of many of our Pastors in America today who think the ministry is a source for monetary gain. Sadly, by fleecing the sheep of their church's, some American Pastors and evangelists are, in fact, getting rich!
Taking the cross to Plaplya by boat. Walking the cross in the same village.
When I was here 10 years ago, I had brought about 30,000 gospel tracts to preach the gospel to the people of Palacios. Although many tracts where distributed in the area of Palacios in former years, I would suppose that more than half still remained and were in a plastic container at the mission. In addition, there were several thousand booklet type of tracts another missionary had brought here and 3 or 4 boxes of Bibles, one of the boxes being the small pocket New Testaments. I made it my mission while I was there, to get these tracts and Bibles passed out to the people of these villages from Plaplaya to Rio Platano. Once or twice a week, I would fill my backpack with tracts and Bibles and carry the cross into various villages along the coast. Each time I went out, I would empty the backpack and then return. By the time I left, there were only 3 Bibles remaining as Frank wanted to make sure that he had some to give in special circumstances.
Some of the villages that were close by, I walked through on many occassions. The children had become so accustomed to me that whenever I came through their village carrying the cross, they would jump off the porches of their houses and come running to meet me to get some gospel tracts. The parents would tell the children to bring them one back too. After a while, the parents started coming out to meet me along the walking path and ask for a Bible. One Saturday, we took the day off to rest and went to the beach. Frank and his family were already there and I followed about 15 minutes later. Two young men walking towards me turned to the trees on the pathway to urinate. (This is very common in this part of the world). I passed them and continued on. One of them turned around and walked towards me, zipping up his pants, he then asked "Could you get me a Bible?" Later that day, he met me at the Mission and picked up a Bible.
It had become very common, the more I walked with the cross and passed out tracts, and the people were becoming comfortable with me as the guy who was bringing tracts and Bibles, that people were asking me for Bibles. I would hope that in the future, we could get more Bibles out there as I had come to the point where I was "rationing" them out. I would only give one if someone made a strong effort to ask me for one.
A Moskito man pushes his boat down the river. Children sit and watch "Vegetales" just before showing the "Jesus" movie in the Miskito language. Hundreds came to sit in the grass to watch the movie.
I also took the video equipment (a sound system and projector) to various villages to show movies such as "The Passion of the Christ," "the 4th Wise Man," and the most popular, the "Jesus" movie which was in their native tongue of Moskito. Although they speak Spanish out here, their native tongue is Moskito. They have never before had a movie presented in their own native tongue. The Jesus movie was the hottest thing they had ever seen and so many people packed in the churches that there was absolutely not a single inch remaining for another person to enter. I looked out the window to see people who climbed into the trees to see the movie through the windows and door, over the heads of those who were inside. Seeing and hearing Jesus speaking in their native tongue helped these people to identify with Jesus and I soon began to hear testimonies of people who were getting saved on account of the video. Elderly people whom had never learned the Spanish language began to travel to other villages to see the movie as they had never heard the gospel presented directly to them in the fullness and clarity in their own language as this movie had done.
On June 29th, I returned home to Florida. Nathan Lloyd-Jones and 9 other teens from Calvary Christian Center in Inverness, Florida, flew to Belen to hold several youth conferences in Palacios and Belen the next few weeks.