Missionaries, crossbearers & tools

Lance Rowe
Michael Siemer
Brian Chamberlin
William Taylor
Patrick O'Connell        Patrick is my cousin
Links to churches & more crossbearers
John Windh

Links to Foreign Missionaries:
Paul and Kim Ryan     Missionaries to China     e-mail
Andy and Becky Smith       Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine      e-mail
Frank & Tami Monterroso     Missionaries to La Moskitia, Honduras         
Roger and Katrina Engle      Missionaries to La Moskitia, Honduras               e-mail


Bible programs - free.  Download any or all of many Bible versions, even in other languages, commentaries, Bible dictionaries and other study resources. http://www.e-sword.net

Our legal rights to preach on the streets. Go here for advice from attorney Jay Sekulow   http://www.aclj.org/publications/kyr/pubplace.asp#gospel

Other great study resources:
To receive David Wilkersons Sermons free of charge, write to  texas@worldchallenge.org  
David Wilkerson, Pastor of New Yorks "Times Square Church" and founder of Teen Challenge, preaches uncompromising, powerful messages that will bless you!       http://worldchallenge.org/    

Ray Comfort "Hell's Best Kept Secret" a most powerful source of information for the street preacher trying to reach the lost.          http://www.raycomfort.com/

Preaching resources for use on the streets
CJ's scripture for cars         Turn your car into a preaching machine with scripture pasted to the windows!