Paul and Kim Ryan
Missionaries to China
Paul, Kim, Isaac and Samuel Ryan
I personally went to Bible school with Paul and Kim at Christ for the Nations Bible Institute in Dallas, Texas. They left for the mission field immediately after graduation around 1992.
Renmin. Report
Reaching Ethnic Nations Ministries
A Prayer and Update Newsletter from Paul, Kim, Isaac, & Samuel Ryan
Dear Family and Friends,
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. I Chronicles 4:10
Once again we want to thank you very much for your continual prayer and intercession of similar prayers for us. We count it a privilege to serve the Lord in one of the most populous and definitely most needy areas of the world -Asia. It is our desire for God to enlarge the territory of our hearts for the lost, enlarge our vision for His Kingdom to come, and enlarge our sphere of righteous influence in this multi-cultural, multi-racial, and multi-religious part of the world. Thank you for giving yourself to the Lord, to world missions, and to us - we deeply appreciate you.
Ryan's Report
Well, much has been accomplished since our last Renmin. Report. After spending a couple of months in Thailand (Dec. 2000 - Mar. 2001) “spying out the land,” we successfully completed a specialized training program with the Southern Baptists. What an excellent program designed to equip missionaries to function as “Strategy Coordinators” for adopting, serving, and reaching Unreached People Groups (UPG's) in China. We feel privileged to be part of God's strategy for the Wa People of Southwest China. Many ministries are based in Northern Thailand because of its strategic location for impacting numerous UPG's in Burma, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China.
Upon returning to the Philippines in March 2001, Paul graduated with an M.A. in Missions (Summa Cum Laude) from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (AG). At APTS he then continued to study in an Australian Assemblies of God sponsored Missionary Training Program (MTP) while we finalized our affairs for the task of moving “lock, stock, and barrel” to Thailand. Paul is currently consolidating all of his study notes and training materials together and has begun the process of producing a comprehensive church planting curriculum for indigenous church planters to utilize in reaching UPG's in China. The underground church in China sorely needs this kind of curriculum.
During the months of April and May, Isaac and Samuel had a wonderful opportunity to attend a small ACE Christian school, giving Kim a well-deserved break from home schooling. Kim then was able to spend time tutoring new female students in English, three Chinese, a Burmese, and a Taiwan ese at APTS. It was very nice to once again be involved with Chinese friends after having been away from China and living in the Philippines. Before leaving the Philippines we donated a desperately needed desktop computer to Grace Bible Academy, tile small Christian school that the boys attended. The staff and students were most appreciative.
During the time we lived, studied and ministered in the Philippines, approximately one and a half years, as a result of your generous help we were able to spiritually, financially and materially assist many people from various countries. You have literally sown into many ministries that are touching many nations, such as Burma, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, and China. We extend their gratitude and ours back to you. Thank you for your love and commitment to world missions. Also, we thank the Lord for His protection from harm while we were in the Philippines.
Please pray for the Philippines, it is supposedly a “Christian nation,” but actually lives far from the truth, mired in corruption and nominalism. Only a few weeks ago I was preaching in a small village church, competing with the loud music of an animistic wedding sponsored by a corrupt local official who was trying to buy votes for an upcoming election. Animistic weddings involve a gory, demonic slaughter of pigs and water buffalo with the local shaman reading the intestines of the slaughtered animals for signs of good luck while the guests drink tile animal's blood. As a church we sought the Lord with fervent prayer and the Word of the Lord came from Isaiah 1:10-20, instantly the clamor coming from the wedding ceased, and remained silent for the duration of the church service. PTL.
We praise God for a successful move from the Philippines to Thailand in mid June without any major difficulty. Thank you for your prayer support in this matter. We arrived just in time for Kim and the boys to attend the annual city wide Vacation Bible School held by the Chiangmai Community Church. This was a tremendous blessing for a number of reasons; over 200 children were ministered to, the boys immediately made new friends, and Kim met other missionary wives while helping clean up. This VBS facilitated for us a sense of inclusion and belonging in the Christian community here. It can be very hard on missionary families that frequently move between countries, leaving family and friends behind and establishing new relationships while dealing with a new location, language and culture. This was the Lord's perfect timing for us as a family.
Please pray for us as we prepare to travel as a family into China in July for a month. Our focus people group is the Wa People of the Awa Mountains in Southwest Yunnan Province, China. This area is a remote mountainous region, which borders Northeastern Myanmar (Burma). Our purpose for traveling through this extensive area is to prayerfully explore locations of Wa cities and villages, while developing strategic relationships with Wa Christians for future ministry. It is our desire and God given vision to meet and partner with zealous Wa Christians who have a Great Commission heart. We believe these existing Wa Christians can be mobilized with appropriate training and Christian materials to become a powerful taskforce for evangelization and church planting among the many yet smaller unreached people groups that live within tile same region. This part of the world has numerous hidden people groups that are not even recognized by their respective governments, live in remote locations, and remain totally unreached by the Gospel. You can learn more about the Wa People and their culture by visiting our webs ite,
We believe that Chiangmai~ Northern Thailand is a strategic and advantageous location for working into Southwest China for a number of reasons; the Wa People areas are easily accessible, Thailand is a democratic nation with religious freedom, and Chiangmai is an excellent place for networking and partnership among the many Christian ministries established here. We plan to establish residence here in Chiangmai upon returning from the US in early 2002. We cordially invite you to come and visit us as a tourist or short-term missionary in the future. There are many colorful and varied things to see, smell, taste and do here in Chiangmai and in Southwest China.
We as a family are currently learning the Thai language and culture on a daily basis. Language acquisition is not just an academic exercise; it is a dynamic social interaction. We have had good opportunities to witness to our Buddhist language teacher while studying the Thai language and culture. It is very important to be able to share Christ with people in their own heart language. Our purpose for studying Thai is that it is necessary for living in Thailand and it is also very useful in Southwest China, since some of the people grOups there alsO s~peak Thai. Please pray for as we make the transition here in Thailand, finding adequate housing, etc.
In mid September, we will return to the US after having been away on the mission field for the past 2 1/2 years. We plan to travel and visit with family and friends in Texas, North Carolina, Washington D.C., Florida and all those beautiful states in between. We dearly long see as many people as possible, God willing. We expect to return to Thailand/China around early 2002 to continue with the ministry. While in the US, we will be based in North Carolina with Kim's Mom, Phyllis Evalenko, who has just moved to Brevard, NC. If you would like to contact us, please call (828) 877-5338.
We deeply appreciate your prayers and support for us. It would not be possible for us to serve the Lord here in Asia without your partnership. You are a valuable spiritual asset in God's divine
strategy for reaching the lost peoples of the world, thus hastening Jesus' return for His Church.
Praise Report & Prayer Requests
© Praise the Lord for my graduation from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (AG) with honors, I thank God for Kim and the boys who served me and kept me encouraged and focused during this intense period of study.
© Praise the Lord for our divinely orchestrated move from Baguio, Philippines to Chiangmai, Thailand.
© Please pray that we continue to walk in divine health since Asia regularly has outbreaks of malaria, dengue fever and other assorted tropical diseases.
© Please pray for us as we study the Thai language and culture, transitioning into the Chiangmai community.
© Please pray for us as we travel as a family throughout the remote Awa Mountains of the Wa People in Southwest China, developing strategic relationships for continued ministry opportunities.
© Please pray for us as we prepare to return to the US in mid September for a visit after having been on the mission field for the past 2 1/2 years. Please pray for safety as we travel visiting family and friends and ministering.
May God Richly Bless You,
Keep the Faith,
Paul, Kim, Isaac, and Samuel Ryan
“Renmin” means “The People” in the Chinese language
For more In formation on tile Unreached People Groups of Southwest China, Prayer
Requests, and Partnership
Mission Agency
C/o Rev. Paul & Kim Ryan - Christian Faith Ministries - P.O. Box 50538 - Den ton, TX
76206 U.S.A.